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Brent Start
Learning for life
Carlton Centre, Carlton Vale
London NW6 5RA
Tel: 020 8937 3990 (closed on Friday and Saturdays)

or email nezumi@nezumiworld.com for more details

I will be adding more classes soon including short courses in central London
Knitting and Crochet Crafts for Spring
10 week course
Course No. 14CLK2502
For: All levels
Thursdays 10.00 - 12.30
Starts : 15/01/2015
Use a different photo for every card
Short day courses are been arranged
across London
for crochet, knitting,
patckwork, quilting,
jewellery making
check back or email and you will be emailed as the details/ dates are available
Jewellery Making for Pleasure or Profit
10 week course
Course No. 14CLK2456
For: All levels
Thursdays 13.00 - 15.00
Starts : 15/01/2015
Online Crochet Class
free short rows knitting class at craftsy.com
Crocheting in Circles
© Copyright 2002-2015 | Michelle Ryan and Nezumiworld | All rights reserved | For personal use only
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